Welcome to our comprehensive guide on EICR in London 2023, where we delve into the intricacies of mastering the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) and ensuring utmost electrical safety. In this expert guide, we will provide you with invaluable insights, tips, and best practices to navigate the latest requirements and guidelines surrounding electrical safety certificates. Whether you’re a homeowner, landlord, or electrician, understanding the importance of EICRs and staying up-to-date with the latest regulations is vital to maintaining a safe and compliant electrical system. Join us as we unravel the complexities of EICR 2023 and empower you to safeguard your property and occupants from potential electrical hazards.


Meaning: The Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is a thorough assessment conducted by qualified professionals to evaluate the condition and safety of electrical installations. It involves a comprehensive inspection of the wiring, circuits, switches, sockets, and other electrical components within a property.

Importance: The importance of an EICR lies in its ability to identify potential hazards, defects, or non-compliance issues that could pose risks to both occupants and the property itself. By conducting regular EICRs, property owners can ensure the safe operation of electrical systems and mitigate the risk of electrical accidents, such as electric shocks, fires, or short circuits. Additionally, an EICR provides valuable insights into the overall condition of electrical installations, enabling necessary repairs or improvements to be carried out promptly.

EICR Condition Report: Assessing Electrical Installations for Safety.

The EICR Condition Report is a detailed documentation of the findings from the electrical inspection conducted by qualified electricians or electrical engineers. It provides a comprehensive overview of the condition of electrical installations, highlighting any existing defects, potential dangers, or non-compliance issues.

During an EICR, various aspects of electrical systems are assessed, including the adequacy of earthing and bonding, the functionality of residual current devices (RCDs), the integrity of wiring and cables, and the suitability of electrical accessories. The condition report outlines any observations made during the inspection, categorizing them as either “code C1” (danger present), “code C2” (potentially dangerous), or “code C3” (improvement recommended).

This report serves as a valuable reference for property owners, allowing them to address identified issues promptly and ensure the ongoing safety and compliance of their electrical systems.

Electrical Safety Certificates for Landlords: A Legal Requirement.

Obtaining an Electrical Safety Certificate is a legal requirement for landlords in many jurisdictions. It is part of their duty of care to ensure the safety of their rental properties and protect their tenants from electrical hazards. An Electrical Safety Certificate provides official documentation that verifies the electrical installations within the property have been inspected and deemed safe for use.

Landlords are typically required to provide a valid Electrical Safety Certificate at the beginning of a tenancy, as well as during regular intervals or when changes are made to the electrical systems. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in penalties, legal issues, and potential harm to tenants.


These regulations apply to England and require landlords in the private rented sector to ensure that electrical installations in their rental properties are inspected and tested at least every five years, or more frequently if specified by the inspector.

Landlords are required to obtain an EICR from a qualified and competent person, such as a registered electrician, who will conduct the inspection and testing of the electrical installations.

If any remedial work or further investigation is identified in the EICR, landlords must ensure that the necessary actions are carried out within the specified timeframe.

Part P of the Building Regulations:

Part P of the Building Regulations in England and Wales applies to electrical installations in dwellings (houses, flats, etc.) and covers various safety requirements.

Under Part P, it is a legal requirement for electrical installations in dwellings to be designed, installed, inspected, and tested by a registered competent person, or the work must be approved by the local building control authority.

17th Edition Wiring Regulations (BS 7671):

The 17th Edition Wiring Regulations, also known as BS 7671, are the national standard for electrical installations in the UK.

These regulations outline the requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems, ensuring safety, protection against electric shock, and fire prevention.

The most recent edition is the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, which came into effect in 2018.

Electrical Installation Certificate 18th Edition: Compliance and Certification

The 18th Edition Wiring Regulations brought about significant changes to electrical installations. It is essential to obtain an Electrical Installation Certificate that adheres to the 18th Edition requirements. This certification demonstrates compliance with the latest regulations and ensures the safety of the electrical system.

The Significance of Electrical Safety Certificates for Landlords

Electrical Safety Certificates hold significant significance for landlords, as they demonstrate their commitment to providing safe and compliant rental properties. These certificates serve as tangible evidence that the electrical installations have been assessed by qualified professionals and meet the necessary safety standards.

Furthermore, electrical safety certificates serve as a protective measure for landlords, as they help mitigate potential liability in the event of electrical accidents or injuries. They demonstrate due diligence and adherence to legal requirements, providing landlords with peace of mind and legal protection.

EICR for Landlords: Evaluating Electrical Installations for Safety and Compliance

For landlords, conducting regular EICRs is crucial to ensure the ongoing safety and compliance of electrical installations within their rental properties. An EICR specifically tailored for landlords focuses on assessing the condition of electrical systems and identifying any potential risks or non-compliance issues.

During an EICR for landlords, qualified electricians inspect the electrical installations thoroughly, examining the wiring, sockets, switches, lighting, and other electrical components. They assess the condition, functionality, and safety measures in place, checking for signs of wear and tear, overheating, loose connections, or outdated equipment.

This evaluation helps landlords identify any necessary repairs, replacements, or improvements required to maintain a safe living environment for their tenants. It also ensures compliance with safety regulations and helps prevent potential electrical hazards or accidents.

Electrical Installation Condition Reports for Landlords: Ensuring a Secure Property

Electrical Installation Condition Reports tailored for landlords play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of rental properties. These reports provide a comprehensive assessment of the electrical installations within the property, identifying any potential risks or areas of concern.

During the inspection, qualified professionals examine the electrical systems, circuits, distribution boards, earthing, bonding, and other relevant components. They assess the condition, adequacy, and compliance with safety standards, highlighting any issues that require attention.

EICR Landlord Certificates: Ensuring Safe Electrical Systems in Rental Properties

EICR Landlord Certificates are official documents issued to landlords after the completion of an EICR inspection. These certificates signify that the property’s electrical installations have been thoroughly inspected, and any necessary remedial actions have been recommended or carried out to ensure electrical safety.

These certificates provide landlords with peace of mind, assuring them that their rental properties are safe for tenants. EICR Landlord Certificates also demonstrate compliance with safety regulations and can be presented as proof of adherence to legal requirements.

Landlords Electrical Safety Certificate: Safeguarding Tenants and Property

This certificate plays a vital role in safeguarding both tenants and the property itself. It provides assurance to tenants that the electrical installations are safe for use, minimizing the risk of electrical accidents or hazards. It also protects the landlord’s interests by demonstrating compliance with safety regulations and reducing liability in the event of electrical incidents.

Obtaining a Landlords Electrical Safety Certificate is a crucial step in fulfilling legal obligations, maintaining positive landlord-tenant relationships, and ensuring the long-term safety and value of rental properties.


Ensuring the safety and compliance of electrical installations is of utmost importance for landlords and property owners. One essential certification is the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), which identifies potential risks and areas for improvement. At our company, we offer cost-effective EICR certificates in London, priced at just £129. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the factors influencing the cost of EICRs and provide valuable insights into other related certifications and quotes.

Transparent Pricing: EICR Certificate Cost in London

Our commitment to affordability is reflected in our fixed price of £129 for EICR certificates in London. With no hidden costs or surprises, you can confidently obtain an EICR certificate at a competitive rate.

Factors Influencing EICR Cost

While our EICR certificate cost is fixed, it’s important to consider factors that can affect prices in the market. Variables such as property size, electrical system complexity, and accessibility can impact EICR costs from other providers.

EICR Inspection Cost: Affordable Electrical Safety

Our £129 EICR certificate covers the comprehensive inspection required to ensure electrical safety.

By entrusting the inspection to our qualified electricians, you can have peace of mind knowing your property meets the necessary standards.

Obtaining an EICR Quote: Transparent and Affordable

We believe in transparency and affordability, which is why we offer a fixed price for EICR certificates.

By choosing our services, you eliminate the need for quotes and negotiations, saving you time and ensuring clarity.

Importance of EICR Certificates in London

EICR certificates are essential for meeting legal obligations as a landlord or property owner in London.

Our affordable pricing ensures that you can fulfill your responsibilities without breaking the bank.

By choosing our £129 EICR certificate service in London, you can confidently meet your electrical safety requirements at an affordable price. We prioritize transparency, affordability, and the highest standards of service to ensure your peace of mind.


To become a qualified and competent professional in conducting Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICR), it’s important to understand the requirements and guidelines associated with this vital task. From obtaining the necessary qualifications to adhering to best practices, this comprehensive guide covers all aspects related to EICR qualification requirements and reporting. Additionally, we’ll explore the importance of professional indemnity insurance, guidelines provided by organizations like NICEIC, and the significance of accurate electrical installation condition reporting.

EICR Qualification Requirements: Becoming a Competent Inspector

To perform EICRs, individuals must possess specific qualifications, such as the City & Guilds 2391 or 2394/2395 certification.

These qualifications demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of electrical installations, testing procedures, and safety regulations.

By obtaining the necessary qualifications, inspectors can ensure their competence in assessing and reporting on the condition of electrical installations.

Professional Indemnity Insurance: Protecting EICR Inspectors

EICR professionals should consider obtaining professional indemnity insurance to protect themselves and their clients.

This insurance provides coverage in case of errors, omissions, or professional negligence during the EICR process.

Having professional indemnity insurance instills confidence in clients and ensures the financial protection of all parties involved.

NICEIC Electrical Installation Condition Report Guide: Industry Standards

The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) provides valuable guidance and resources for EICR inspectors.

NICEIC’s Electrical Installation Condition Report guide offers detailed instructions on inspection procedures, documentation, and compliance requirements.

Following NICEIC guidelines ensures that inspectors adhere to industry best practices and deliver high-quality reports.


Ensuring the ongoing safety and compliance of electrical installations requires regular inspections and certifications. One common question that arises is the validity period of these certificates, particularly the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) and electrical installation certificates. In this informative guide, we will explore the validity period of EICRs and electrical certificates, highlighting the importance of regular testing and the significance of the 5-year timeframe.

EICRs and electrical certificates serve as crucial documentation of the condition and compliance of electrical installations. Here’s a closer look at the validity and renewal requirements associated with these certificates:

EICR Validity: Understanding the Duration

The EICR, also known as a periodic inspection report, provides an assessment of the safety and condition of electrical installations in a property. The validity of an EICR typically lasts for five years.

Electrical Installation Certificate: A 5-Year Lifespan

An electrical installation certificate, issued upon the completion of new electrical installations or major modifications, also has a standard validity period of five years. This certificate verifies compliance with regulations at the time of installation.

Importance of Regular Testing and Renewal

Regular testing and renewal of EICRs and electrical certificates are essential for maintaining the safety and compliance of electrical installations. The five-year timeframe ensures that installations are periodically assessed, keeping up with potential changes, wear and tear, and evolving safety standards.

Compliance and Insurance Requirements

In addition to ensuring the ongoing safety of occupants, having valid EICRs and electrical certificates is often required for compliance with regulations and insurance purposes. Many insurance providers require up-to-date certificates as part of their coverage terms.

Electrical Safety Certificate Renewal Every 5 Years

The electrical safety certificate, which confirms the safety of electrical installations in rental properties, also typically requires renewal every five years. Landlords must ensure compliance with this renewal timeline to fulfill their legal responsibilities and protect tenants.

EICR Expiry and Renewal

As the validity period of an EICR approaches, it is essential to schedule a new inspection to renew the certificate. By conducting regular EICRs every five years, property owners and landlords demonstrate their commitment to electrical safety and comply with legal obligations.

Regular testing and renewal of EICRs and electrical certificates ensure ongoing safety, compliance, and peace of mind. It is crucial to stay up-to-date with these inspections to identify any potential hazards, address electrical issues promptly, and maintain a safe living or working environment.


In the private rented sector, ensuring electrical safety is not only a legal requirement but also a responsibility that landlords must prioritize. One crucial certification for landlords in this sector is the Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). This comprehensive guide highlights the significance of EICRs in the private rented sector, particularly during changes of tenancy. We will delve into topics such as the importance of EICRs for tenants, the necessity of electrical certificates when selling a house, and the requirements for new tenants and changes of tenancy.

EICRs at Change of Tenancy: Safeguarding Tenant Safety

Conducting an EICR at the change of tenancy is essential to ensure the safety of incoming tenants. This inspection identifies any electrical issues, potential hazards, or non-compliance with safety regulations, allowing for prompt remedial action.

Domestic EICRs: Securing Electrical Safety

Domestic EICRs are specifically designed to assess the electrical safety of properties in the private rented sector. These reports provide an overview of the condition of electrical installations, identifying any deficiencies or risks that need to be addressed.

Electrical Installation Condition Reports for Tenants: Peace of Mind

EICRs offer peace of mind to tenants by assuring them that their rented property has undergone thorough electrical safety inspections. These reports serve as evidence that landlords are committed to providing safe living conditions.

Electrical Certificates for Selling a House: Legal Requirement

When selling a house, an electrical certificate, such as an EICR, is often required. This certificate demonstrates to potential buyers that the electrical installations have been tested and meet the necessary safety standards.

Electrical Certificates for New Tenants: Ensuring Compliance

Landlords are obligated to provide new tenants with an electrical certificate, such as an EICR, as part of the move-in process. This certificate assures tenants that the electrical installations in their new home have been inspected and are safe to use.

Electrical Certificates for Changes of Tenancy: Maintaining Safety

During changes of tenancy, conducting an EICR and providing an electrical certificate is crucial to maintain safety standards. This ensures that incoming tenants are moving into a property with safe electrical installations.

By prioritizing domestic EICRs, landlords in the private rented sector demonstrate their commitment to tenant safety and compliance with legal requirements. Conducting EICRs at the change of tenancy, providing electrical certificates to tenants, and fulfilling obligations when selling a house contribute to a secure and trustworthy rental environment.

Remember, as a landlord in the private rented sector, it is essential to prioritize electrical safety and comply with legal obligations. Conducting domestic EICRs and providing relevant electrical certificates offer peace of mind to both tenants and landlords, ensuring a safe living environment and promoting positive landlord-tenant relationships.


When conducting a Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) on a property, it is possible to encounter unsatisfactory findings that require attention. This guide focuses on addressing common issues identified in EICRs, including failed inspections, metal fuse boxes, outdated consumer units, lack of RCD protection, and old fuse boxes. By understanding these findings and taking appropriate actions, homeowners and landlords can ensure the safety and compliance of their electrical installations.

Unsatisfactory EICR valid for 28 days

Upon receiving an unsatisfactory EICR, it is recommended to take the necessary steps to rectify the identified issues within a reasonable timeframe. In many cases, a 28-day period is given to address and resolve the unsatisfactory items. This timeframe allows property owners or responsible parties to engage qualified electricians or contractors to carry out the required remedial work.

During this 28-day period, it is crucial to arrange for the necessary repairs, replacements, or upgrades to bring the electrical installation up to the required standards. Engaging qualified professionals ensures that the work is carried out safely and in compliance with regulations. It is important to keep documentation of the remedial work and any certificates or reports provided by the electricians or contractors

Failed EICR Inspections: Identifying and Resolving Issues

In some cases, an EICR may result in a failed inspection due to various electrical issues. These issues may include faulty wiring, inadequate earthing, outdated components, or non-compliance with safety regulations. Prompt identification and resolution of these issues are crucial to maintain electrical safety.

Metal Fuse Boxes: Assessing Risks and Considerations

EICRs may reveal the presence of metal fuse boxes, which can pose safety risks. These older systems may not provide adequate protection against electrical faults and require careful evaluation. Upgrading to a modern consumer unit with circuit breakers or residual current devices (RCDs) is often recommended to enhance safety.

Outdated Consumer Units: Ensuring Compliance and Safety

An EICR might highlight the presence of outdated consumer units, which may lack crucial safety features or fail to meet current regulations. Upgrading to a new consumer unit that incorporates RCD protection and meets the latest standards is essential to ensure compliance and enhance electrical safety.

Lack of RCD Protection: Addressing Electrical Hazards

EICRs may identify a lack of Residual Current Device (RCD) protection in the electrical installation. RCDs are designed to rapidly detect and interrupt electrical faults, reducing the risk of electric shock and fire. Installing RCDs in appropriate locations is crucial to enhance electrical safety.

Old Fuse Boxes: Evaluating Safety Risks

The presence of old fuse boxes in an electrical installation may indicate outdated wiring systems and limited protection against electrical faults. Assessing the safety risks associated with these older systems is important, and upgrading to a modern consumer unit with enhanced safety features is recommended.

By addressing unsatisfactory findings in EICRs, homeowners and landlords can improve the safety and compliance of their electrical installations. Working with qualified electricians and following their recommendations for remedial actions ensures that potential hazards are mitigated, reducing the risk of electrical accidents or incidents.

Remember, if an EICR reveals unsatisfactory findings, it is essential to address these issues promptly. Seeking the expertise of qualified electricians, upgrading to modern consumer units, incorporating RCD protection, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations contribute to a safer and more reliable electrical installation.


To ensure electrical safety and compliance, it is crucial to understand Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs), their associated codes, and how they align with the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into the world of EICR reports, decoding the codes, understanding defect and classification codes, and the significance of C1, C2, and C3 classifications in electrical certificates. Let’s explore these topics in detail:

Understanding EICR Reports: Unveiling the Inspection Process

EICR reports are comprehensive assessments of electrical installations. These reports document the condition of the electrical system, including potential defects and areas that require attention. By understanding the structure and content of EICR reports, homeowners and professionals can interpret the findings accurately and take appropriate actions.

EICR Coding: Deciphering the Codes

EICR reports utilize coding systems to classify and communicate the severity of identified electrical issues. Codes such as C1, C2, C3, and FI are used to indicate various levels of risk and urgency for remedial actions. Deciphering these codes is crucial for understanding the severity of defects and addressing them effectively.

EICR Codes in Compliance with the 18th Edition: Staying Up to Date

The 18th Edition Wiring Regulations introduced specific codes that are relevant to EICR reports. These codes address new requirements and considerations to enhance electrical safety. Staying up to date with these codes ensures compliance with the latest regulations and helps homeowners and professionals accurately report on the condition of electrical installations.

EICR Certificate 18th Edition: Demonstrating Compliance

An EICR certificate issued in accordance with the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations signifies that the electrical installation has been thoroughly inspected and meets the requirements of the latest standards. This certificate serves as evidence of compliance, providing assurance to homeowners, landlords, and tenants that the electrical system is safe and compliant.

EICR 2023: Looking Ahead

As the industry progresses, new guidelines and standards are introduced. The upcoming EICR 2023 edition will bring further updates and changes to inspection procedures and reporting requirements. Staying informed about these developments ensures that homeowners and professionals are prepared for future inspections and can maintain compliance with evolving regulations.

EICR and BS7671: Complying with Standards

EICR reports align with the requirements of BS7671, also known as the IET Wiring Regulations. BS7671 sets the standards for electrical installations in the UK and ensures safety and compliance. Understanding the relationship between EICR and BS7671 is crucial for homeowners and professionals in maintaining electrical safety.

Electrical Installation Condition Report C1, C2, C3: Assessing Risk Levels

C1, C2, and C3 classifications are commonly used in electrical certificates to assess the level of risk associated with identified issues. C1 represents the most severe risks, requiring immediate attention, while C2 indicates potentially dangerous conditions that should be addressed promptly. C3 signifies observations for improvement without immediate safety concerns. Understanding these classifications helps prioritize necessary repairs and improvements to maintain electrical safety.

Electrical Certificate C1, C2, C3: Indicating Safety Concerns

In electrical certificates, C1, C2, and C3 classifications denote specific safety concerns. C1 classifications highlight critical safety hazards that need urgent resolution, while C2 classifications indicate potentially dangerous conditions that require attention. C3 classifications represent observations for improvement without immediate safety implications. These classifications guide homeowners, landlords, and professionals in taking the necessary steps to ensure electrical safety and compliance.

By understanding EICR reports, decoding the codes, and keeping up with the latest regulations, homeowners and professionals can prioritize electrical safety, address potential issues, and maintain compliance with the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations.


If you’re in search of reliable EICR certificate services in London, look no further! We provide comprehensive EICR certificate services that cover the entire London area. Whether you’re a homeowner, landlord, or business owner, our team of experienced electricians is here to ensure the safety and compliance of your electrical installations. Let’s explore the range of services we offer:

EICR Certificate Near Me: Convenient and Reliable

Our EICR certificate services are conveniently located throughout London, ensuring easy access for all residents and businesses. We understand the importance of having a trusted provider near you when it comes to electrical safety inspections. With our team of qualified electricians, we offer efficient and reliable EICR certification services in your area.

EICR Certificate Online: Streamlined Process for Your Convenience

In addition to our local presence, we also offer EICR certificate services online, allowing you to conveniently request and receive your certificate from the comfort of your own home or office. Our online platform provides a streamlined process that saves you time and effort while ensuring the same level of accuracy and compliance.

EICR Electricians Near Me: Experienced Professionals at Your Service

Our team of electricians is well-versed in conducting EICR inspections and issuing certificates. With their expertise and knowledge, you can trust that your electrical installations will be thoroughly assessed, and any potential issues will be identified. Our electricians are conveniently located near you in London, ready to provide efficient and reliable EICR services.

EICR Jobs Near Me: Employment Opportunities in the Electrical Industry

If you’re seeking opportunities in the electrical industry, we offer EICR jobs in various roles. Whether you’re an experienced electrician looking for employment or a newly qualified professional seeking career growth, we provide job opportunities in the field of EICR inspections and certification. Join our team and contribute to electrical safety in London.

Electrical Safety Certificate Near Me: Protecting Your Property and Occupants

Electrical safety is of utmost importance, and our services extend beyond EICR certificates. We also offer electrical safety certificates near you in London, ensuring that your property meets the required safety standards. Our certified electricians conduct thorough inspections to identify any potential hazards and provide you with the necessary certification.

Electrical Testing Companies Near Me: Trusted Providers for Reliable Inspections

As one of the leading electrical testing companies in London, we take pride in offering reliable and professional inspection services. Our company is conveniently located near you, ensuring prompt response and efficient inspections. With our expertise and advanced testing equipment, we provide accurate assessments and certifications for your peace of mind.

When it comes to EICR certificate services and electrical testing, our company is your trusted partner in London. With our convenient locations, online platform, experienced electricians, and commitment to safety and compliance, we strive to provide top-notch services that meet your needs. Contact us today to schedule your EICR inspection and certification.


Electrical Installation Certificate PDF 2023: Updated Templates for Current Standards

Electrical installation certificate PDF templates specific to the year 2023 incorporate the latest industry regulations and standards. These updated templates ensure that your documentation aligns with current requirements. By utilizing a 2023-specific PDF template, you can maintain compliance with the most recent guidelines.


Approved Contractors: Approved contractors, often accredited by organizations such as NICEIC or Napit, have demonstrated their competence and compliance with industry standards. They are authorized to carry out EICRs and issue certificates.

NICEIC Electrical Installation Certificate: Demonstrating Compliance and Quality

The NICEIC electrical installation certificate is a widely recognized document that signifies compliance with industry standards and regulations. It provides assurance that the electrical installation has been tested, inspected, and found to meet the required safety requirements. The certificate is issued by NICEIC-approved contractors who have undergone rigorous assessments to ensure their competence and adherence to quality standards.

The NICEIC certificate offers several advantages, including:

NAPIT Electrical Installation Certificate: Demonstrating Compliance and Competence

Similar to the NICEIC certificate, the NAPIT electrical installation certificate signifies compliance with industry standards and regulations. NAPIT-approved contractors undergo thorough assessments to ensure their technical competence and ability to deliver high-quality electrical services.

The NAPIT certificate provides assurance that the electrical installation has been tested, inspected, and found to meet the required safety standards. It is recognized by regulatory bodies, insurance providers, and industry stakeholders as evidence of compliance and competence.


An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is a crucial document that assesses the safety and condition of electrical installations within a property. It provides valuable insights into the electrical system’s compliance with regulations, identifies potential risks, and highlights any necessary remedial actions. But when exactly do you need an EICR certificate? Let’s explore the situations where obtaining an EICR certificate is necessary:

EICR for Property Sale or Purchase:

If you are buying or selling a property, it is often a requirement to provide a valid EICR certificate. The certificate assures the buyer that the electrical installation has been thoroughly inspected and is safe to use. As a seller, obtaining an EICR certificate beforehand can help expedite the sales process and give potential buyers confidence in the property’s electrical safety.

EICR for Rental Properties:

For landlords, an EICR certificate is a legal obligation. The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 stipulate that landlords must ensure electrical safety by obtaining an EICR report at least every five years. Additionally, any new tenancy or change of tenant within an existing tenancy requires a valid EICR certificate to be provided.

EICR for Home Improvement or Renovation:

When undertaking significant home improvement or renovation projects, it is advisable to obtain an EICR certificate. The certificate ensures that the electrical work carried out during the project is safe and compliant with regulations. It provides peace of mind that the electrical installation has been thoroughly inspected, reducing the risk of potential hazards or non-compliance issues.

EICR for Insurance Requirements:

Some insurance providers may require an EICR certificate as a condition for providing coverage. By obtaining a valid certificate, you demonstrate that the electrical installation in your property has been professionally assessed and deemed safe. This can help you meet the insurance requirements and ensure that you are adequately covered in case of any electrical incidents or damages.

EICR for Regular Safety Checks:

Even if there are no specific legal or contractual obligations, it is recommended to schedule regular EICR inspections as a proactive measure. Periodic checks, typically every five years, help identify any potential electrical issues or safety concerns before they escalate. This promotes a safe living or working environment, providing peace of mind for property owners and occupants.

EICR for HMO properties:

HMOs are subject to specific regulations regarding electrical safety. In the United Kingdom, the mandatory requirements for electrical safety in HMOs are outlined in the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) and the Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (England) Regulations 2006. These regulations aim to protect the safety of tenants and ensure that electrical installations are in a safe and satisfactory condition.


Booking an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) online has never been easier. With our user-friendly and efficient online booking system, you can conveniently schedule your EICR inspection in just a few simple steps.

Our online booking platform provides a seamless experience, allowing you to book your EICR inspection at any time that suits you. Whether it’s during office hours or in the middle of the night, you have the flexibility to schedule your appointment without the hassle of phone calls or lengthy email exchanges.

To book your EICR online, all you need to do is visit our website and navigate to the booking section. There, you will find a clear and intuitive interface that guides you through the process. You’ll be prompted to provide essential information such as your contact details, property address, and preferred date and time for the inspection.

Our online booking system offers real-time availability, ensuring that you can select a time slot that fits your schedule. You’ll also have the option to choose any additional services or requirements you may need, such as follow-up inspections or specific areas of focus within your property.

Once you’ve entered all the necessary details and made your selections, simply confirm your booking. Our system will generate an instant confirmation, which will be sent to your provided email address. This confirmation will include all the relevant information about your EICR appointment, including the date, time, and any specific instructions or requirements.

With our online booking system, you can take advantage of the convenience, efficiency, and flexibility it offers. It streamlines the process, saving you time and effort while ensuring that your EICR inspection is scheduled with ease.

So why wait? Take advantage of our hassle-free online booking system and secure your EICR inspection today. Enjoy the convenience of booking at your fingertips and let our qualified professionals take care of your electrical safety needs.