Looking for an affordable Commercial Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) in London? Look no further! Get your EICR starting at just £250 for up to a 10-circuit fusebox. For each additional circuit, it’s only £12. Ensure the safety and compliance of your commercial property without breaking the bank. Book your EICR today and get peace of mind at an unbeatable price.

Book a NICEIC, NAPIT electrician for Commercial EICR in London


Creating a Safe Working Environment for Your Business

Commercial properties are dynamic environments with various electrical systems, equipment, and devices operating simultaneously. Ensuring electrical safety is crucial to protect your employees, customers, and visitors from potential hazards. By prioritizing electrical safety, you demonstrate a commitment to providing a secure working environment and safeguarding your business operations.


A Comprehensive Inspection for Electrical Safety Compliance

A Commercial Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is a comprehensive inspection conducted by qualified electricians to assess the electrical safety and compliance of your commercial property. It involves a thorough examination of all electrical installations, systems, and equipment, ensuring they meet the required safety standards and regulations.


Ensuring Safety and Compliance for Your Business

Yes, EICR is legally required for a commercial property. Creating a safe environment for your employees, customers, and visitors is essential. Conducting a Commercial EICR offers several benefits, including:

  1. Identifying Potential Electrical Hazards: A thorough inspection helps identify potential hazards such as faulty wiring, inadequate grounding, or overloaded circuits, reducing the risk of electrical accidents and fires.
  2. Compliance with Regulations: By conducting a Commercial EICR, you ensure compliance with electrical safety regulations and standards, avoiding potential legal and regulatory issues.
  3. Meeting Insurance Requirements: Many insurance policies require a valid Commercial EICR to provide coverage. Having a current and valid certificate ensures your business is adequately protected.
  4. Protecting Your Business Reputation: Prioritizing electrical safety demonstrates your commitment to providing a safe environment. This helps build trust with clients, customers, and stakeholders, differentiating your business from competitors.

THE COMMERCIAL EICR PROCESS: Commercial Electrical Certificate

A Step-by-Step Inspection and Evaluation

  1. Pre-Inspection Preparation: The process begins with scheduling the inspection and coordinating access to the property. This includes gathering necessary documentation and informing occupants about the inspection.
  2. Visual Inspection of Electrical Installations: Qualified electricians conduct a visual examination of electrical installations, including wiring, distribution boards, sockets, switches, and other components. They check for signs of wear, damage, or inadequate installations that may pose risks.
  3. Testing and Verification Procedures: Specialized equipment is used to perform electrical tests, including earth continuity, insulation resistance, and polarity checks. These tests help identify abnormalities and ensure the proper functioning of protective devices and safety systems.
  4. Evaluation of Electrical Safety Standards: The inspection findings are compared against relevant safety regulations and standards. This evaluation assesses the level of compliance and identifies areas requiring improvement.
  5. Documenting Findings and Recommendations: A comprehensive report is compiled, documenting the inspection results. This includes identified issues, potential risks, and non-compliance matters. The report provides clear recommendations for necessary repairs, upgrades, or maintenance actions.


Commercial EICR codes refer to the set of regulations and guidelines that govern the electrical safety of commercial premises. These codes outline the standards and requirements for conducting an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) on commercial properties. By adhering to these codes, businesses can identify potential electrical hazards, ensure compliance with safety regulations, and maintain a safe working environment for employees and customers. Commercial EICR codes play a crucial role in promoting electrical safety and mitigating risks in commercial settings.

In the context of electrical inspections and reports, C1, C2, C3, and FI are commonly used classifications to indicate the severity and urgency of identified electrical issues. Here's what each classification represents:

  1. C1 (Code 1): This classification signifies a dangerous electrical condition that poses an immediate risk of injury or death. It indicates that immediate action is required to rectify the issue to ensure safety and compliance.

  2. C2 (Code 2): C2 refers to a potentially hazardous condition that doesn't pose an immediate danger but requires attention and remedial action to prevent future risks. Although not as urgent as C1, prompt action is still necessary to address C2 issues.

  3. C3 (Code 3): C3 is a classification used for observations that are not deemed hazardous or dangerous but may not fully comply with current regulations or best practices. These are typically recommendations for improvement or areas that could be enhanced for better safety and compliance.

  4. FI (Further Investigation): The FI classification indicates that further investigation is needed to assess and understand the observed electrical condition or issue. This classification may be used when the inspector requires more information or specialized expertise to evaluate the situation fully.

These classifications help prioritize and communicate the severity and urgency of electrical issues identified during an inspection or report. It assists property owners, electrical professionals, and relevant parties in understanding and addressing electrical safety concerns in a timely manner.

All circuit inspections value shows in distribution board:


Understanding Pricing Considerations

When it comes to the cost of a Commercial EICR, several factors are taken into consideration. We offer a transparent and straightforward pricing structure to ensure clarity for our clients.

The cost of a Commercial EICR is primarily determined by the number of circuit breakers within your electrical installation. For properties with up to 10 circuit breakers, the inspection cost is £250. This fee covers the thorough assessment of your electrical systems, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and identifying potential hazards.

For properties with more than 10 circuit breakers, there is an additional charge of £12 per circuit. This pricing structure allows for accurate cost estimation based on the size and complexity of your electrical setup.

We believe in providing fair and competitive pricing, while maintaining our commitment to delivering a comprehensive Commercial EICR that meets your specific requirements. Our qualified electricians will conduct a meticulous inspection, ensuring the safety and compliance of your commercial property.

By investing in a Commercial EICR from us, you not only prioritize the well-being of your employees, customers, and visitors but also demonstrate your dedication to maintaining a secure working environment.

Contact us today to schedule your Commercial EICR and receive a detailed assessment of your electrical installations, along with our transparent pricing information. We are here to provide exceptional service and ensure the electrical safety of your commercial property in London.


Maintaining Ongoing Electrical Safety Compliance

Regularly renewing your Commercial EICR offers several advantages:

  1. Ensuring Ongoing Electrical Safety Compliance: By conducting regular inspections, you stay updated with the latest safety regulations, maintaining compliance and minimizing potential risks.
  2. Detecting Early Signs of Electrical Deterioration: Renewals help identify early signs of electrical deterioration, allowing you to address them promptly and prevent potential hazards or disruptions to your business.
  3. Mitigating Potential Hazards and Risks: Regular inspections help identify and rectify potential electrical hazards, minimizing the risk of accidents, fires, and costly damages.
  4. Maintaining a Safe Working Environment: By investing in regular Commercial EICR renewals, you prioritize the safety and well-being of your employees, customers, and visitors, creating a secure working environment.


Selecting the Right Partner for Your Electrical Safety Needs

When choosing a professional Commercial EICR service provider, consider the following:

  1. Qualifications and Expertise of Electricians: Ensure the electricians conducting the inspection are qualified, experienced, and have the necessary certifications to perform Commercial EICRs.
  2. Accreditation and Certifications: Look for service providers who are accredited by recognized industry bodies, ensuring their adherence to high standards of professionalism and quality.
  3. Reputation and Client Reviews: Research the reputation of the service provider by checking client reviews, testimonials, and their track record of delivering reliable and thorough Commercial EICR services.
  4. Transparent Pricing and Cost Estimates: Request detailed pricing information and ensure the service provider offers transparent cost estimates, avoiding any hidden fees or surprises.
  5. Customer Service and Support: Choose a provider that offers excellent customer service, prompt communication, and ongoing support to address any questions or concerns you may have.

In conclusion, a Commercial EICR is a vital process to ensure the electrical safety and compliance of your commercial property. By prioritizing electrical safety, you protect your employees, customers, and visitors, meet legal requirements, and maintain a positive business reputation. Understanding the inspection process, the benefits of regular renewals, and selecting a professional service provider will help you create a safe working environment and contribute to the long-term success of your business. Invest in a Commercial EICR and demonstrate your commitment to electrical safety in your commercial property.